
Lovely Daily Reminders

Sweet, gentle and fun reminders to offer “micro-moments” that can lead to a lasting practice. 

 5 days a week, all year long.

Let’s step out of the noisy spaces.

I want to personally offer you regular invitations to remind you of your amazing humanness.

Your wellness matters

I’ve heard the resounding message from many of you – that you need something simple, quick, and accessible to remind you to come back to yourself on a regular basis. Many of you know that you want to bring practices into your days, but there is that disconnection between knowing and doing.

So here is my new offering:

Daily text messages to keep these practices at the top of your head and heart. My intention is to offer you a deep breath that gives you permission to step away from stress, striving and worry and instead anchors you back into who you are and the incredible work you are doing in this world. 

If you’re ready for 2024 to be committed to presence and to being at ease join me now.


Daily texts, weekdays

Register for a month or the full year. You will get weekday daily texts with LOVELY REMINDERS to bring you into feeling connected and grounded.



$7/month subscription + gst

Are you ready? Click below to register:

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