At the end of September AWE hosted the first ever AWEsome Wellbeing Retreat for Educators.
It was met with amazing reviews and participants left feeling calm, connected and collected – ready to take on the world that was waiting for them.
This retreat was hosted at the beautiful Roundhouse Farm in Victoria, BC.
The day brought together educators from elementary to post-secondary and from up and down Vancouver Island who were ready to set aside a day for stillness, self-care and self-compassion.
Each retreat includes mindfulness meditation, restorative yoga, personal time for journalling and sharing and collaborative time with colleagues. The focus is to awaken the wellbeing that already exists in our daily lives and to bring an awareness to the habits that nourish us rather than drain us. We take time to pay attention to the joy that exists in us and remember the AWE that inspires us.
Two more retreats are being planned for the Victoria area on Sunday, February 4th and Saturday, April 28th.
Give yourself permission for personal and professional development that brings a deeper sense of wellness into your life and awaken the wellbeing that exists in you!
Contact Lisa Baylis at AWE for more information.